, The NHS l!xet uiivc'n medium Irini piinnhcs include lia necd loi <>i\nU! oreiller voue .nul influente lo useis ol NMS services .uni their earcis in '.lieu ovvn cale, lhe tlcvcl»«pincni .nul définition ol standard'sel toi Nils .services l'*'IU .nul ihc developmeni o| Mis (x >lu > U «h Imally and nation illy « l'm unies aiul Planning

, Inclusion of tliis prinrity wj.s driveri by al least hvc factors ? ap|»ro|>riaie and effet tixe servîtes are nioie likeh lo Ix* dexeloped il thex are planned on tlte basis of neetls identilied in cnniunctinn wtili it-sers

, ? gu swing stk i.il expectations ol opennoss and accouulabihiy nican iliai the user.s ol public scivues aie in< reasingly sccking more sav in hovv llic Nils n develojxsl. ss liai servîtes are provided and lo wlul standards

, ? patients want mon inlonii.iti**n alunit their health tondrion. tnMtuu*m and tare The Patient s ( hailer rcs|u>nded lo il»»s nentl hy lormally siaimg .» tight lo such information, but il is ol course micgial lo lhe vvliole notion ol

, ? there is some évidence thaï invoix mg patients m their own t aie improvcs Itealth tare ou le unies and inti cases paiieut satisfaction